Happy man lovesdubbs, skeptic heaven waiting ,freedom wordleygirl elswhere, beautifulgarbage hadenuf,Lyineyes joy2beefre ,amazing anewperson awakenedandfree.
happy man
JoinedPosts by happy man
Shall we play a game?
by Valis inshall we play a game?
i was thinking this might be funny and perhaps a bit of mental exercise...try to create the longest sentence you can using only usernames....i'll try first... wild turkey balanced lyineyes' fire dragon betweenworlds waiting elsewhere.. sincerely,.
district overbeer
JW wifes
by happy man in.
i have read that some of you here who leave the truth, have still your wife inn the religion, some of you have devorse beaucaurse you left and she still inn.. this must be a very difficult situaition.
myself have a very devoted jw wife,she is all that you here say jw are not, always ther fore the peopel who need help.always have here door open fore evryone .. go a lot in sevice, take care of evrything in the home , try to help evryone.. when i tell here some of this stuff, i see the brightness in here eyes was going down, happiness was perhaps littel bit away, now i must ask you who have been in this situation, can it realy be worth the price, to see your loved ones bee unhappy, and even perhaps lost ther hope and happiness..
happy man
I have read that some of you here who leave the truth, have still your wife inn the religion, some of you have devorse beaucaurse you left and she still inn.
This must be a very difficult situaition. Myself have a very devoted Jw wife,she is all that you here say JW are not, always ther fore the peopel who need help.always have here door open fore evryone .
Go a lot in sevice, take care of evrything in the home , try to help evryone.
when i tell here some of this stuff, i see the brightness in here eyes was going down, happiness was perhaps littel bit away, now i must ask you who have been in this situation, can it realy be worth the price, to see your loved ones bee unhappy, and even perhaps lost ther hope and happiness.
Read and learn ?
by happy man inhttp://www.touchstoneforum.org/~dchoi/cgi-local/dcforum/dcboard.cgi?az=list&forum=dcforumid1&conf=dcconfid1
happy man
i think your person is very intresting, i read a lot of what you say,and something is in my mind here, some person who have been so hard involvd widh JW, beeen at bethel, even now the President as I see on one ,piccture, i have very difficult to understand this 180 digrees turnaround, why?
Yuo must have seen all this thing a long time,even from the begining, and when i read your littel story The eperus clothes, my reaktion is, this is from a man who have been realy badley hurt, and now he want to give agin to them who hurt him.
beaucause all this things you take upp in this story is littel to much, as you now wrong thing we have all over, if i want to find bad things and look wery well i can find them, but i think in the most religons you have same or whort.
i have several times tell about this wars on earth and who religon have support them, in a very bad way. So why are you overdoing this so much widh JW who one time was your most beutifull friend.
Or is it like this , the one you love you punish?
you like mee now that we have some bad, some good things in JW, Jw are in some way unik, they are the only who stand beside all this wars, and they also are radher unik in ther bigg work about the earthly kingdom, who i think is one of the most attrktive things, to peopel ans is one answer why some is JW, like me for exampel.
I can tell you, that also i have been badley treated, but i understand this was made by men,like David, the king in isralel.
And who nows if they have a place in the kingdom, who nows, the first shall be the last, and the last shal bee the first. think about that my friend. I put in the Jw forum, if you are intelegent you can understan who wrigt some of the topics, i must say i am very happy that some Jw realy have a forum where we can discuss difficult matters, very brave of them i think.
warm greatings to you my brother, from sweden.
Read and learn ?
by happy man inhttp://www.touchstoneforum.org/~dchoi/cgi-local/dcforum/dcboard.cgi?az=list&forum=dcforumid1&conf=dcconfid1
NEW LIGHT - Watchtower Quotes
by UnDisfellowshipped inbelow are watchtower quotes about new light!.
i would love to hear everyone's comments (including current jehovah's witnesses).. you can distribute these quotes freely!.
i got these quotes from http://quotes.jehovahswitnesses.com which is the best watchtower quotes website on the internet!.
happy man
Well undisfellowshipt, you are very clever to find evry smaler or bigger wrongnessJW have, but as I say to you before, when i read that you belive in hellfire, and you dont care if it is a place ther peopel are pain fore ever, then i must say you are a bigg hyppocrite, it is very easy to find wrongnes in evrything if we want to , be carful so you not se the wrongness in you fellow mans eye, but not the bigg stock in your one.
From my site of wuie , your credbelity is ciro after i read this terribel thing, that you can acept that the lord are going to pain evry man fore ever, who not are in the same faith as you.
One thing , this freemanson thing, Russel was never freemanson,and so farfe i now he say so himself, I have also heard that JW are the only religon who are banned from the freemansons, sounds like the opposite of what you said.
Today I had been DA
by Ginosko infirst of all, sorry for my bad english i'm from peru south america.
there's a lot to tell but i'm going in this time to be brief, because i'm very busy.. i had been an elder for almost 8 years and a jh for more than 22 years.. i'm a searcher of the truth from the 10 years old.
i grow as a catholic and got baptized as a jh at the age of 21.. in october of 2001 a jw friend ask me about the un&wt and bulgarian affair.
happy man
Sorry to here this history.
I must say this is very diffrent from how it is in sweden, I HAVE TOLD EVRYONE HERE ABOUT THIS ABUSE THING, AND EVEN UN SCANDAL, nothing happend, i am not any elder anymore, but i have been fore over 20 year.
I must also ask you, do you have some swed missionris in Peru?
What happend in Irak
by happy man ini read today a scary artikel in a swed newspaper, it is about the terror bombing who is going on in irak, from us an england, this is terribel, farmer telling that this have ben comen sens the war so to say end, evry night thy here this bombers, and somtime they have iton ther one yard, it is not so unusal that people are killd, and civilians.. when i read this i must ask, what are us doing, do they thunk they are some sort of good,.
how can do as they want, i musk ask you peoepl here from us, should you axept that evry day you was bombd by foren country, i now this sadamm is a crook, but what happend here is awfull, and putt abigg mark on the democrati of us.. we can in sweden read of the result of this terror bombing made by us almost evry day ,do you have this info in us or are they hide it from you.all children who is killd , all comen peopel who are hurt and some even killd, made by some sure christians from the so calld cristian country us.. i think us is on very dangers ways, this so calld president is a joke, at least this is a comen wuie in europe.. i can not understand that so nice peopel as many of you are, have so bad presidents, like bush, kennedy who show upp to be a reel bad man widh a lot of imoral things on his record, not to mencen nixon.
despite his moral problem it now seems that clinton was one of the few who did a good work.i am very well aware of how nationalistisk us peopel are, so now i peraps have to hide fore a time when the storm bolw over.....
happy man
I read today a scary artikel in a swed newspaper, it is about the terror bombing who is going on in Irak, from US an England, this is terribel, farmer telling that this have ben comen sens the war so to say end, evry night thy here this bombers, and somtime they have iton ther one yard, it is not so unusal that people are killd, and civilians.
When I read this i must ask, WHAT ARE US DOING, do they thunk they are some sort of GOOD,
How can do as they want, i musk ask you peoepl here from US, should you axept that evry day you was bombd by foren country, i now this Sadamm is a crook, but what happend here is awfull, and putt abigg mark on the democrati of US.
We can In sweden read of the result of this terror bombing made by Us almost evry day ,do you have this info in US or are they hide it from you.All children who is killd , all comen peopel who are hurt and some even killd, made by some sure Christians from the so calld cristian country US.
I think US is on very dangers ways, this so calld president is a joke, at least this is a comen wuie in Europe.
I can not understand that so nice peopel as many of you are, have so bad presidents, like Bush, Kennedy who show upp to be a reel bad man widh a lot of imoral things on his record, not to mencen Nixon. despite his moral problem it now seems that Clinton was one of the few who did a good work.I am very well aware of how nationalistisk US peopel are, so now i peraps have to hide fore a time when the Storm bolw over....
Loyalty to the truth
by happy man in.
at bokstudy yesterday , we talk of the diffrent things gb say, and who we must stand to this.. i tell that they are only peopel and have make some misstaks, as we can se , fore exampel in the proclaimers book, well the study leader say, we must shoe loyality to the gb, even iif it later show upp to bee wrong, it is very importat that we follow what they say.. this is a ver difficult area, ofcourse in our religion we can not have 6 million diffretn wuies, but if we follow evry word very carefull, are we then not follow man?.
what about if they say something who take your life, and later change this, who is responsibel, or even worse our kidds, who are resposibel if they die on such polyci, like the transplantaision prohibition, we have fore some time, are we fore exampel personaly responsibel fore our akts, when the day is here, or can we say, we only follow what the gb say.. this is a very tricky qestion who i think about a lot
happy man
i find it very difficult to understand that if some peopel say they dont want blood it is a very biff issu, ofcourse it is problem widh chldren, myselt will never sacrifce my child fore this, so there you one of JW and what i think.
But you foregt something, why are you never talk about thes religions who realy have blood gulit, this who send out millions of peoepl to kill each other i war, blessd by ther priest, this is the most bigg sckndal in modern history, and nowan say nothing, understand if i be littel disturbd when so much peopel here shouting about this who died beaucause the blood issu. Some lives is also saved, think about all disises as the blood can give, I can teel you that my dcktor who say he never want blood for him self, so try to put this in the place it belongs to, and dont try to overdo it.
If i shall be unest i never hird of someone who died of this, and I have been JW 50 year.
So even if it happend it is radher unusual.
Loyalty to the truth
by happy man in.
at bokstudy yesterday , we talk of the diffrent things gb say, and who we must stand to this.. i tell that they are only peopel and have make some misstaks, as we can se , fore exampel in the proclaimers book, well the study leader say, we must shoe loyality to the gb, even iif it later show upp to bee wrong, it is very importat that we follow what they say.. this is a ver difficult area, ofcourse in our religion we can not have 6 million diffretn wuies, but if we follow evry word very carefull, are we then not follow man?.
what about if they say something who take your life, and later change this, who is responsibel, or even worse our kidds, who are resposibel if they die on such polyci, like the transplantaision prohibition, we have fore some time, are we fore exampel personaly responsibel fore our akts, when the day is here, or can we say, we only follow what the gb say.. this is a very tricky qestion who i think about a lot
happy man
hello U
i think you have make a vrey bigg work to find evry smaler o bigger wrong thing in Jw religon, however when i read this as you have said in a forme topic.
#I believe that when they die, everyone who rejects Jesus Christ will end up spending Eternity separated from Jesus Christ in Hell (whether Hell is a Fiery Place of Torment or not, I'm not sure, but I know I don't want to be there no matter what it is.#
I bee very disturbed, hade you never think about this dont look at the small things widh your fellow man when you have a bigg stock in your one eyes.
If you belive in hell, this is a very bigg sinn, belife that Jehova will torture evry man on earth who not are a beliver, is a much more and bigger sinn then all these things you count upp fore JW, i must say shame on you, and not in anger but in love, and I hope you never more look on this smal things like change some word here and ther, when you in the same time say, thet your fellow mman must suffer fore ever when you are walking on streets of gold in heaven , this peopel who critisise us, fore smaler things and later tell thet they belife in this hellfire, are hyocrites, thats my wuie.
so i realy hope you cange your mind, before it is to late.
wid love from HM
Loyalty to the truth
by happy man in.
at bokstudy yesterday , we talk of the diffrent things gb say, and who we must stand to this.. i tell that they are only peopel and have make some misstaks, as we can se , fore exampel in the proclaimers book, well the study leader say, we must shoe loyality to the gb, even iif it later show upp to bee wrong, it is very importat that we follow what they say.. this is a ver difficult area, ofcourse in our religion we can not have 6 million diffretn wuies, but if we follow evry word very carefull, are we then not follow man?.
what about if they say something who take your life, and later change this, who is responsibel, or even worse our kidds, who are resposibel if they die on such polyci, like the transplantaision prohibition, we have fore some time, are we fore exampel personaly responsibel fore our akts, when the day is here, or can we say, we only follow what the gb say.. this is a very tricky qestion who i think about a lot
happy man